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So, this Moon Hunters cancellation is kicking off into quite a thing on Twitter. While I do think devs shouldn't get too much flak for what is at the end of the day a business decision, they're bound to incur the wrath of the Vita fanbase who are rather loud on social media, so it's to be expected.

With that said, whoever is running their Twitter is being quite an idiot with statements like this:

I mean, c'mon. They even got Just Add Water (seasoned Vita porters) responding with:


On top of that, Vita Lounge magazine pointed out that they interviewed Kitfox back in March about the game coming to the console. Looking back, they were incredibly evasive about how the port was coming, but still, doing press like that for a game they can't be bothered to deliver on (and that's effectively what it boils down to, same problem when so many cancellations I've seen this year - "it'd take effort to optimize it so we're cancelling it") seems pretty low.