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Bleach final chapter thoughts ahead.


So this ending didn't really feel like an ending to a series but an arc instead. Sure ichigo and Orihime have a son and Rukia and Renji have a daughter now. But with the crap ton of loose ends and missing characrers like Urahara, Isshin, Nel, Grimmjow, Kira, and Yoruichi. If you had told me we would be getting 1 more arc after this i would believe you even with the epliogue just being a time skip that leads into a new arc. Even though my Ichihime ship happened this ending is just so rushed and underwalming at best i can only imagine at best this being a cliff notes version of the ending Kubo wanted when this arc started 4 years ago.


I might posted my thoughts on the one piece and MHA chapters later but Bleach left too depressed.