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Another thing I encountered that I've seen on internet people say doesn't exist or is a bug: space battles.  I just had my first (died very quickly, unfortunately).  I recieved a distress signal in space so I flew to it.  Before the signal I had noticed 3 giant ships warp into the system I was doodling around in.  The ships were very large and looked different from other large ships I have seen so far (variation in that as well). The there was a distress signal.  I flew to it and though "umm, okay nothing is going on maybe it is a bug" then I looked around as a few smaller (looked like fast attack ships swung past me but did not attack) and I thought they were with the giant freighters.  I kept looking around and realized the smaller ships were engaged with one of the freighters zipping about (much like in the misleading videos) so I attacked and voila I was immediately on an aliens side (whose I don't know.  Why I don't know. Bad or good guys, I don't know, I assume good since the were being attacked) and into battle I went.  The hostile smallers ships focused on me and I took one out before the others crused me quickly (I am on preorder ship) and I was brought back to life at nearby space station.

what happens if you win? No idea as I lost.  

Do aliens speak or hail you or thank you for help? No clue.

was it exciting and fun? Hell yeah, even though I got crushed.  It was similar to what was shown on trailers except the dev was better at it than I.

p.s.  7.5/10 game for me so far but I could see that going up since the more I play and explore the more cool things I uncover that can be done.

So far besides MP I've encountered pretty much all in the videos of this thread.  Just sharing my actual experience with game I purchased.


FPS mechanics aren't great and need improvement.  

Ship fighting mechanics need polish.

Needs better explanation of game and how to play and what to do.  I understand they likely left it this way on purpose (to make it all discovery and explore learn on your own) but it's hurting their game all over the internet by not providing this because it's leading to assumptions of misleading and lies.  I'm not sure how they do this because it's hard.  If they stream line it too much the complaints shift to it being to linear probably.

MP- need better options on map to track friends and locate them, maybe ability to warp to them.  


I thought I would add this if anyone is genuinely interested in what the game has or experiences you can have in it. 

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  
