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KLAMarine said:
StarOcean said:
It's marketing 101. If they told you what the product actually was you'd be less inclined to buy it. I don't get why people act like this is a new thing to gaming. This has been going on forever, gaming and not.

I would argue this phenomena is "marketing 101" because too many consumers are so gullible. Apathy won't fix it. Let's work towards changing that. Let's urge people to be skeptical, to stop pre-ordering games, to wait-and-see.

People just can't control themselves.  They simply cannot hold back from getting the game "day one", socially, it's what people do.  They go buy  the newest thing just because they can, or want to show off, or even just to have something to talk about.

It's funny, if you questioned many people that were over Neptune hyped about No Man's Sky before launch "what do you do in this game?", you could see the sweat building up on their foreheads. What should be the easiest question to answer about a game became a task for them.  They just knew "everyone else is talking about it, so it must be good and I must buy it."

People are silly, that's the beginning and ending of it.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"