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RolStoppable said:
Lrdfancypants said:

Lots of polls on here are missing options for people.  Hard to generally say there all excluding people or options to get a desired result or is it just this one?

Besides, ask him to add the option.  

Even if these emotional fans didn't want to see haters they'd see them because, you know, they're there.  Next up gears of war and then NX.  Haters and defenders will shift about.

This goes back to my first post in this thread. The Order 1886 made GribbleGrunger behave in a very similar way. The thread concerning the length of the game was amazing.

Haters will always be present, regardless of the quality of a product. The deciding factor is how people approach products and topics.

I saw lots of hate across the net on that game.  Length, QTEfest, linear, shoot something then walk for a bit and shoot some things and rinse while repeating, scripted and so on. 

I enjoyed the game which is why I'll likely enjoy Gears but fully expect many of the complaints lodged at the order will be tossed back the other direction except maybe length (I don't know but I assume it will be decent length) at Gears.  

I don't remember the thread you're mentioning specifically because they began to all bleed together much like the NMS thread.  There is nothing of particular interest to me on any one individual getting upset or frustrated over a game anymore than any other individual because it happens on all sides to everyone, probably.  I'm sure I've let it get me frustrated as well.  

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  
