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I like it. I've been playing it since it came out. I do understand why some people don't like it, tho I also do think a lot the hate and complaints are from stuff that was never gonna be part of the game in the first place. I, foronce, wouldn't compare to games such as The Order because that one is a piece of crap, this one is just not polished enough, but its okay. And thats basically it- it's an impressive technical achievement, but just an ok game.

The scale is impressive. I love the concept. Love the size. Love the freedom. I would love to see this concept in others games.

I do think it gets repetitive and the lack of specific objectives makes it hard to make all the farming worth it - There's really no motivation or interest in getting to the centre of the universe - in a way you gotta create your own objective (Like achieving the game's milestones)

I do think the "all planets are different" is major BS. All planets are alike in one way or another. You do come across a couple of very interesting planets. One day I found a planet resembling a radioactive jungle with tons of fauna, all dinosaur-like in appearance. Cool place to explore. But those kinds of worlds are not as common as the trailers make it.

I do not hate the textures, as many do, but they do need polishing. This game could benefit from being a bit heavier (in GB size I mean) if that means more polished graphics. That would add a big plus.

There could've been more variety when it comes to "space battles" to add another feature to the game. Space battles are fun, but they're one-note so they get repetitive fast. As does a lot of the game.

Basically that last sentence is my whole opinion. I like what's in the game, I love the concept, as a technical achievement its impressive, but most of it could've been better with variety, so that the "freedom" that the game offers does feel like that.

But, as said, have been playing it since it came out and Im enjoying it.
Would probably rate it between 6.5/10 - 7/10