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Let's change 'not doing well' to 'not doing as well' and that's what I'm clearly implying. I don't think I can put it across any clearer, I'm not being vague.

And of course keeping a game off any platform will stunt the fanbase growth, why wouldn't it? But since Xbox One install base is half the size it would do less damage, but that's just basic common sense. 

Also I think the start of a new IP is normally when you see the biggest fanbase growth,  so if you miss big platforms within the first couple of installments, that's when you'll stunt the biggest growth. Let's say Titanfall 1 and 2 came to all platforms and then decided to make 3 Xbox exclusive, that would stunt the fanbase less than making the first installment exclusive. 

As well, we may as well be getting into specifics if we're trying to go with that middleground type implication.

It would still do damage none the less, you make it sound like the less damage done to a game without XBox or Nintendo is a drop in the pan, again this just makes me want to go back to specifics if we're going to make the PS4 look like David versus Goliath.

We'll see how that turns out with the latest Tomb Raider near the end of this year.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"