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Netyaroze said:
I never heard of this George Soros guy. Can someone explain me how the documents of manipulating the European Elections are bad ? All I read is that they sponsor groups to animate people to vote for the European Election ? Nobody gives a shit about European Parliament so I think raising awareness would be good ? Can someone point me to the incriminating parts ?

Let me just address the first part of your post. How are billionaires and elites manipulating elections not bad? It takes the common person out of the equation and reduces them to a lowly fake participant while they continue to shape and form their own people they want writing laws that are only enforced on the likes of said common people. 

And it's not right v left, red v blue, this stuff is done in all facets of politics of every side and it divides us. It's all a facade, a charade while common people get the boot.