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LudicrousSpeed said:

I meant a MP demo at launch or after launch, when spoiling it won't be nearly as big a deal, and people could get a taste of all the new stuff. As for the MP, that does suck if you don't have a console. Personally I want to play the beta in action because I am worried about all the new shit they are adding. The original is a perfectly balanced treat. I worry they are going all MW2 on us.

I don't even know who the sig could provoke. I guess some don't like liars being called out or made fun of. Strangely if I were making fun of Peter Molyneux or Todd Howard I doubt it would be a big deal. NMS isn't even exclusive and will be on Xbone anyway, LOL.

At launch?, then why not just release the full game and let the information spread really fast like it always does when it happens?.

I don't get why we have to have spoiler rules when we just had NMS a super hyped to hell game release on the PS4 days before the PC launch, info went all over the place before a whole platform of players got to even experience things on their end and the world didn't really go on fire.

I'm not all that fussed about not getting into a beta MP, as long as the final prduct is very polished and works quit e well then I'm happy. But the thing is with the devs in this case is they are citing datamining as a big reason for not giving us a snippet of MP beta as well as the old config scenario which all devs end up doing regardless, even AAA devs do this all the time, it just feels weak but at the same time he is promising PC players the world in terms of a very supposed stable quality release for those gamers. If he doesn't deliver then his aforementioned reasons are just going to net him with complaints and tbh I'm not going to be the one to defend him or the rest since 1. they are denying a group from wanting to help make their own experience better and 2. The devs are promising a solid PC release with no proof that they even will.

I just hope the SP doesn't bleed into the MP, MP from the first game was near perfect, I don't really want it to be messed up for the sake of appealing to a crowd that never liked their first game (the SP only crowd).

I honestly don't think that's fair for them to force you to remove the sig, if they make you do it then the same should apply to others with any sort of sig that pokes at someone/something else.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"