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LudicrousSpeed said:

Apparently it's too "provoking" and I've been asked to change it. God forbid someone calls a developer out for lying and misleading people. Hilarious.

Chazore, in the original beta basically the entire game was spoiled from data mining. All maps, weapons, upgrades, everything. Now that they are also making a SP, I'm not surprised they might want to protect it from people spoiling the entire thing before the game is even out. Sucks that PC only users won't get to experience the beta. Maybe they'll do a demo once the actual game is out.

If they do a demo then I can imagine data being taken from that as well =P. Also I;m not sure if a demo will suffice to give us the skinny on what the MP is about on the PC side.

Don't forget we've had console games datamined before in the past, unless they want to specifically call people that do that as being only PC gamers then I;d see them as regular joe people who just want to know about something.

Also I dunno why they asked to change your sig, we've got a few people on here who have had thought provoking sigs that haven't been changed in months. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"