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As long as the PC multiplayer isn't fucked over and includes an actual server browser, I honestly don't mind not having a beta MP.

"Our wonderfully curious PC players have proven in the past that they will dig out anything they can, and there's a risk that they could spoil some of our single player."

Lol only those people though, not like humans in general are curious at all to know anything they wish to. Also there has been info dug up from many a game in the past that has been related to consoles. Honestly seems like a daft reason tbh, though this makes me hope that their SP is damn well amazing if they need to keep it so tightly wrapped, I'm talking GOTY award type amazing, otherwise don't sell yourself too far if you aren't going to deliver in full.

"Rest assured we’re confident in our ability to deliver a great PC experience for launch. We appreciate your understanding, and we look forward to seeing everyone on The Frontier this October. "

That seems to be a solid and solemn promise, I'll be holding them to the note when the game launches, if it's in a terrible state then they are likely to get lynched by a crowd or two. Won't be pre-ordering the game though, I don't see any reason to, never did for the last one either.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"