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Well I can see the Xbox360 having a lifespan that long... as long as Sony stick to their "10-year" life for PS3. Usually companies are more or less forced to bring out new machines because of the competition, to keep up or get ahead. However, if the competition doesn't release a new machine after the standard 4-5 years, why would you? It'd be far, far more profitable to just keep going a few more years if you can, and rake in some cash when your machine has finally become rather profitable. And who knows what Nintendo'll do. Anyway, I think all 3 companies would rather have a few extra years for their consoles, because I read somewhere once that the average cost of developing a new console is more or less 1 billion dollars. Plus, the first few years are usually not very profitable, if at all (at least in MS and Sony's cases).

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046