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If she was running against any of the electable GoP candidates (Kasich, Rubio, Walker, Paul, hell even Cruz at this point) she would be getting demolished for all these scandals and gafs. Instead she is running against Trump who is actively covering up all her scandals and gafs by stealing headlines with his increasingly contradictory and categorically false statements. I wouldn't be surprised if they found an e-mail saying she wanted him to run just to ensure her victory lol

I mean did you guys hear about the recording of her admitting that in 1975 she got a guy off who had raped a 12 year old girl? She says (I heard this recording myself) that she made him take a polygraph while representing him and that he passed it. She then says that destroyed her faith in polygraphs and laughs about it! Keep in mind this is in the middle of the era she was apparently fighting for women as told during the DNC week. Despicable. But nobody cares because they CAN'T vote for Trump when he's calling for Muslim bans

I am Iron Man