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Much gets made of national polls, as they do serve as an indicator for how the general electorate is going.  However, the country doesn't directly elect the president, the states do and are allocated electoral votes with the winning number being 270 or greater.

The majority of states are "safe states" in recent election cycles with "red America" and "blue America" beocming more pronounced in the 21st century.  This has led to the election being decided by "swing states" which are competitive and go red or blue dpeending on many factors.

Given this is the case to see who  will become president this cycle monitor the various swing state polling data.  I will be using the following site Real Clear Politics that aggregates various polling between the four major candidates to give a picture of how the election will likely turn out.  If you take issue with polling or think the data is incorrect, that's fine, but I don't want this to descend into argument about that.  Trying to keep this thread objective as possible and refer to data over personal desires or feelings.