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Funny thing is people say cinematic games aren't worth as much money. Meanwhile I'm over here selling all my MP centric games after a couple weeks because I can't keep going through the motions just to move up a leaderboard while I keep cinematic games because I usually find myself re-visiting them annually or bi-annually for a fun (easy mode) playthrough. It's like watching a favorite film of mine. I have gotten more hours out of the Uncharteds or Ratchet and Clank than any MP game.

As far as those who say you should just watch a movie
A. These games still require plenty of input. The Order 1886 will not advance by itself. Hell even Telltale games or David Cage games require you to go about investigating an environment.
B. Many cinematic games at least give me the illusion of choice. Do I wish they all drastically altered the story like Heavy Rain does? Of course. But I also accept Telltale just giving me some fun conversation choices and big choices with what to do with characters. This increases immersion even if it is more like the latter.
C. An 8-12 hour game gets me immersed in the characters and story much more than a movie and I find it a different experience than simply watching. When I was done with the car driving segment in Heavy Rain I was on the edge of my seat and completely white knuckled. In reality I was simply picking left or right but through the graphics and the camera work it got me completely immersed. Something a movie probably couldn't have done or I would have experienced differently if just watching.

So hey you can enjoy your games and I'll enjoy mine but I'm no less of a gamer just because my game plays differently.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers