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Oh, good night. Where do I start...? My original true hobby of collecting was comics from the late 1980s to the late 1990s. Currently, I only have a quarter of my original collection due to various of reasons of about a thousand comics now,

My core collecting habits now are video games. The intend is not so much of that rare and valuable title, but just simply the games I want to play, and there a plenty of them. I try to purchase limited edition of those that strike me the most. I also try to purchase action figures of figures of certain game franchise that have had an impact on me. Lately, I've been buying the Assassin's Creed line of Mega Bloks construction set, Hatsune Miku and friends statutes, a couple of Amiibo that strike me the most, Sony first party character figurines, etc.

I have almost the complete set of Doctor Who Character Building Construction sets.

I have a variety of Doctor and Walking Dead action figures.

I still have all of my comic card collections back during the early 1990s.

I have several fantasy/sci-fi board games I hold dear.

I used to collect and paint fantasy miniature.

I've recent gotten into the autograph collection kick. It's just a few, but I have like fifteen autographs from Doctor Who to Walking Dead to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Bruce Campbell.

And those are the ones just off of the top of my head.