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Im voting Trump! IDFC what other "think". Screw Political Correctness and bowing to our enemies and ignoring the obvious threats. Love the idea of a wall, Mexico is wanting to build one themselves as hypocritical as it sounds on their own southern border, so that racist BS is already over played and just ignored.

Plus with SCOTUS picks in hand, there will be civilwar if Killary wins as there is already a constitutional crises. Look at the $400 million Obummer sent Iran for the prisoners. It will be the status quo as it has been the last 8 years with crappy GDP and out of control debt, what is there to show for the trillons that were spent? Our roads and infrastructure around the country are falling apart while we are told things are great. the MSM is just a state run propaganda machine for the DNC.

Im ranting, im done. I am not going to change anyone's mind on here nor is anyone going to change mine. I just wanted to get it off my chest after seeing some of the most mind numbing threads involving Trump lately. Thanks.