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Pemalite said:
Lrdfancypants said:


One could pop in xbox info into your bullet points and get even results or worse depending on perspective and you have stated a few times they're doing better than nintendo.  As pointed out via hardware units sold it's not really the case.  


- 360 user base didn't transition to xbox one and might not transition to s-model or scorpio

- xbox doesn't even have a mobile console to be in decline and try and revitalize (they'd probably like those declined numbers)

- devices/accessories being mediocre (kinect, need i say more really?) not all devices are successful but doesn't mean the next one will have same result

- mobile, again something xbox doesnt even have (which I bet they'd love the tens of millions in mobile unit sales considering their current position)

- having lots of exclusives doesn't guarantee sales (doesn't even need changing)

- mediocre hardware

This rumor seems to be a better strategy than dropping a powerful home console that might get trounced in power a few months later.  

Exactly. But you are only re-affirming my point. - I think you assumed I am preferential towards a particular console Platform hence the Xbox dig, but I'm not, I dislike all consoles equally. :P But nice try, I'll give you props for it.

And what I meant by Xbox doing better than Nintendo is in terms of sales of the home consoles on a year-to-year basis. Microsoft has consistently beaten Nintendo in that regard since the original Wii started to wane.

Wyrdness said:

The add ons for the SNES and GC are not the same as the concept here, the portable market back then was vastly different in scope and approach to the console market unlike today where portables are essentially consoles that are portable. Your argument is like comparing online multiplayer of today to the 2 player local multiplayer on the NES and writing off the former because the was multiplayer back in the 80s when the two concepts are not in the same ball park. As for your bullet points.

-  Same could have been said for GC to Wii.
-  So are console sales but no one is panicking over that, someone started a topic of interest in that it just means things are becoming more focused in gaming.
-  So are PS and Xbox, Nintendo has even made mobile one of their platforms so mobile success still is going to benefit them, this argument is becoming more irrelevant each day.
-  It helps pushes platforms that can't be denied.
-  Proof?

The angle of argument that the poster I was replying towards was that he believes that Home Console and Mobile user bases would be "combined" with the NX.

The SNES and Gamecube addons were also targeting that very same idea, to draw mobile gamers to the home console... And it didn't work.

The Gameboy Advance was a bigger platform than the 3DS as well as far as I know. And the Gamecube certainly beats the Wii U in terms of sales.

We will need to take a "wait and see approach". - It's good that everyone is optimistic about the NX.

It's not a dig or presumed preference. You brought them into the conversation a few times.  

Not that it matters as it seems deflection is the strategy.  

Back OT: Considering the current climate (new powerful machines from both of nintendos console competitors) this doesn't seem like a crazy strategy.  Before the announcements of those upcoming consoles I would have agreed with you on a powerful nintendo console but after I can see this as a decent strategic move (if true of course).  

Time will tell.  

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  
