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Pemalite said:
Soundwave said:

Fact is portable has been far friendlier pastures for Nintendo. A portable NX at least should sell 50-60 million units if they handle it correctly. 

A traditional NX console? Would probably finish 4th or 5th out of all the consoles this generation cycle and sell GameCube numbers if they're lucky. The PS4 already has a 40 million unit headstart, even the PS4 Neo will have a headstart, that's even a worse (far worse) position than the GameCube started at. 

If you play basketball and football, but you're 5x better at basketball, there's no shame in simply focusing on basketball, it's probably smart actually. 

That's all personal opinion of course.
I do agree, that Mobile has been Nintendo's strength historically, but it's loosing that to Android and iOS, that's Nintendo's competition today for mobile... An uphill battle without a paddle.

The Nintendo NX could even fail harder than the Wii U, you simply don't know untill the devices have launched.

Nintendo launching in the middle of the generation simply means they will be overshadowed by next generation hardware that much sooner.
Nintendo will need to fight out the news cycles against Scorpio and Neo as it is... Doesn't help when they have pretty much destroyed their free advertising on Youtube either. :P

I won't be buying the NX if all the rumors of Tegra are true, if Nintendo can't give me what I wan't again, then I'll buy something else, it's that simple. - It will likely be Scorpio or Neo, heck might even be both at this stage.

Slimebeast said:
Amazing news, and I hope Soundwaves analisis is true.

Between PS3 and PS4 level of graphics is amazing.

And if it really has the brand new Tegra 2 chip and costs only $250, that's simply incredible and would be a huge success.

Day one. Can't wait.

There are two kinds of people...

People like me who thinks the PS4 level's of graphics is poor...

And this guy who thinks everything is amazing. :P

There does seem to be two types of people here:

People that understand this is a hand held and not a dedicated home console.

And people like you that seem to think this is a home console.  :P

At least you had some part of this correct. I understand you may not want this as a home console, but if what is out there is truth, then as a hand held, this thing might work. If you are not into hand held gaming, then this console will most likely not appeal to you. But I can tell by the context of your post that you seem to think this is a home console and if it were, it would be severely underpowered. But as a hand held, it is most definitely a leap forward in technology.

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