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People need to stop thinking this is a home console. It is not. This is a hand held. No matter how you slice it, this thing will be massively successful if what is being rumored is true. How can it fail? Nintendo titles, hand held third party support, cutting edge technology, and the ability to be played on a television. What is to go wrong?

But people need to understand this is NOT a home console. Those expectations and comparisons are completely off base. How much clearer do you want these people to be? It uses cartridges for fucks sake. This is not a freaking home console. It can be played at home, but this is a hand held. At this point, the people that still think this will be a home console are straight out being ignorant.

And to those that think this console and the attachment for the television or any other parts should be sold separately, stop it. We better get everything we need, in the box or Nintendo is letting us down. This whole, multiple SKU approach has been a bane on the video game industry since its introduction. One of the failures of Wii U was that very approach. Keep it simple. If you want to reach the largest possible audience, keep everyone at an equal starting point. Just put it all in the box from day one. Keep this shit as simple as possible. Pack it all in and the system will sell itself to everyone.

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