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scrapking said:

theprof00 said:

 I don't really think ms cares much about the OG xb1 owners. I think it makes more sense to them to clear the slate and start over as soon as possible.

I don't think Microsoft has abandoned the Xbox 360 yet, let alone is about to abandon the Xbox One.  While Microsoft is no longer making first-party 360 games, or manufacturing the system, they nonetheless are still supporting apps and releasing updates.  Xbox Live is still fully supported on the 360, third-parties are still authorized to release new Xbox 360 content through Microsoft's distribution channels, and Microsoft continues to actively work on 360 backwards compatibility for the Xbox One.

So it seems a bit alarmist to suggest that because they release a version that is 7% more powerful, a difference that they publically downplay as being even a selling feature, that they'd prefer to throw away 20 million enthusiasts and start from scratch.

The 360 is an amazing success and still is very capable of selling well in developing markets.

The thing is, they already went on record about the scorpio for one, and said that while they intend for the scorpio to be a forward compatible xb1, they won't dictate to developers to make sure the games also work on x1.

"Spencer also assured players that all game releases would be compatible across the entire range of Xbox One consoles"

"While Liftis promised that all the games released now will run on Scorpio, she was asked whether there woild be Scorpio-only games, and her answer remained vague:

“I don’t know about that. Again, it’s up to the game development community. What do they want to do. […] This is the beginning of a new cycle of engaging with devs. Let’s talk again next year.”"


What makes you think MS would cater to x1?