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I'm remembering my promise to Moreno! BOOSH!

Seriously, this game is ridiculously easy. I'm playing it on normal, I'm ten shots deep, and I haven't died in three hours now. Not once. And trust me, at this point, I ain't trying.

The best part is that the AI is so fucking stupid that even a drunken Rocketpig can rush them, strafe around, and kill them before they even move. Brilliant. I'm going to have to play through some of this again while sober just for laughs.

The best is the "Sit down, spot, PLAY DEAD, SPOT" part of the game. You can fall over dead with the push of a button and everyone leaves you alone. You get a nice view of the sky, enough time to do another shot, and then you get up to find that everyone is dead. Apparently, Free Radical never thought about why other developers make ally AI so inept and instead made them all crackshots. You pretend to fall down, you lay there for a bit, and you get up to find a swath of dead Mantel soldiers.

I take back my previous comment about the AI... It wasn't only equatable to Corky from Life Goes On, it's also geared for players of that ability.

By no means am I a fiend with a dual analog control on shooters (God knows that in the depths of my heart, I despise it), but this is ridiculous. I would probably blow a .20 right now and I'm walking through this game like it's a fucking carnival and all the clowns are shooting poppers at me.

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