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JRPGfan said:
WolfpackN64 said:

Ok, so because you studied, you deserve a higher wage?

Honestly yes.... if someone spends 7years to study, with high risks of failour to pass, and costs of study.

The person that instead can work for 7years, makeing money, should probably be payed less.


At the very least it should even out, so the doctor by the end of his career has made as much or more than the garbadge collector.

I think its okay there isnt equal pay for everything.

I think how much some move stars and singers make is borderline gross though.

Cost of study is something an individual can't control, so lets factor that out (education should also be free in my mind). One could also ask the question. Is the period of one's college education really so difficult one should be compensated for it for his entire life? As a college student, I'm also having a lot of fun.

Usually docters make much more at the end of their career then a garbadge collector. I'm not saying doctors shouldn't make a good living, since their work is very important. I'm just saying that you shouldn't see an education as a reason just to earn more. That garbadge collector will have been working for those 7 years the doctor has had his education.

I study Japanese and that's not an easy course. It's a difficult language starting from dutch to learn Japanese and you have to factor in societal and philosophical courses as well. Will I make as much as a doctor? No. Will I make as much as an economy student? Probably not. One could argue the doctor has the most useful job and the economist will get paid the most, but I would argue neither deserves to earn much more then average. If one finds the average too low, then one should demand a higher average and minimum wage for all.