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To answer fuallmofus's question, I'd say from the information given about the game that you cannot go around building like it's Minecraft, though we already have Minecraft, Terraria and Starbound for that.

I think like a few others that they should have included the ability to craft our own homes as well as erecting buildings to show that we were on different planets rather than having a piece of text hovering over said planet. On the other hand though I have Starbound for that sort of thing plus the basics in general.

John2290 said:
They should have added a building mechanic. This whole leaked footage deal has peaked my interest in the game but I fear the video are being removed, not because of spoilers but a lack of spoilers that showcase a very basic game with the odd WTF moment. I fear they have shown all the mechanics and it looks bare, whats the point of this massive galaxy if you aren't going to be able to be able to colonize planets, make a base here and there. There is a PC game that has on the fly building but I can't remember what its called, anyone know?
However, my thoughts aside this level of attention and mystery is nothing but good for the day one sale of the game. The embargo is worrying and I'm sure people will be let down.

Starbound, Minecraft and Terraria allow for building on the fly, Starbound is also pretty close to NMS in it being a game about exploration, survival and has most of the basics like having to upgrade your matter manipulator (the harvesting gun that NMS has) and your tech as well as a suit in order to survive different environments. The game even allows for you to customize your own ship, hire your own crew and customize them as well as capture any creatures you come across and tagging them too.

I'm not entirely sure what kind of story type NMS is going to tell but I am aware that Starbound allows for you to drop in and out of going with it's story at any point in time with or without friends, you can easily go off and do your own thing, build your own colonies or trade with other life forms etc.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"