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What we know about the game. The basics:

1: The main objective, if you choose to progress in that way, is to get to the centre of the galaxy. Once there you move onto the next galaxy and try to accomplish the same again. The ultimate objective is to get to the centre of the universe. There are many things that must be done in order to accomplish this:

2: In order to survive hostile planets you must upgrade your suit by farming resources, some of which require you to upgrade your mining tool. Upgrading your scanner is also essential because there are many hidden locations that give you blue-prints for those much needed upgrades. Some of the most hostile planets contain the resources needed to accomplish the long journey to the centre of your first galaxy.

3: Some of these hostile planets contain predators so it's wise to upgrade your weapon too. Night time can be particularly dangerous and if you're not fully prepared it won't end well. Luckily outposts have save stations so that you won't lose too much progress if things go to hell. Accessing your starship also saves your progress. However, any resources you are carrying will be lost if you die and any discovered flora or fauna will also be lost unless you've uploaded the information to the Atlas.

4: When on some planets it is very important to abide by the laws of the Sentinels. These are the self-replicating protectors of the planets. They come in three basic forms: Metallic spheres that hover over the ground and constantly scan for any misdemeanours. Four legged robots that follow in the wake of the metallic spheres if you persist in ravaging a planet or attacking the Sentinels. Mech robots which are the big boys who stomp in if you decide to ignore the warnings and don't run and hide for a period of time. There is a five star wanted system just like GTA so it will feel familiar.

5: There are known to be 4 different races throughout the universe (although it may be more). Communicating with any of these can either lower your standing or raise you standing. Learning their language to make sensible decisions is necessary. You learn their language by searching out obelisks scattered around the planets and by actually interacting with the races. As your standing increases, each race can help you in a variety of ways. They can give you rare materials, blue-prints for new weapons or add ons for those weapons. They can also sell you starships to help speed you on your way. There is one other mysterious race we know exists but nothing has been found out about them yet. It's said to be much harder to learn their language and they have something to do with the Sentinels. The four races relate to the four pillars of gameplay: Exploring, Trading, Fighting and Surviving.

6: Occasionally you are given 'quests'. These can be anything from gathering resources to finding crashed ships to taking down a number of pirates in space. They are either objectives you are given immediately on entering a solar system or given to you by NPCs. All of these can also raise your standing with the races. Other quests can be organic. For instance, you may find a crashed starship that requires repair. In order to repair it you'll need to go out and search for the right materials, some of which are common and some of which are rare.

7: During your stay on planets you'll find a variety of other strange monuments. These can offer clues to the lore of No Man's Sky and will slowly unravel the mysteries of the universe. They're also worth seeking out because they also help you learn the languages of the races. Sometimes these are hidden in hard to reach places such as at the bottom of an ocean, in a warren like cave system, or in a place where predators are more prevalent

8: Trading is an integral part of No Man's Sky. Buying low and selling high is a great way of gathering enough Units to afford that new gun or new Starship.


The PS5 Exists.