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How about delivering a complete expierience at 60$?
I know, I know, game developement costs have gone up and maybe prices should go up in the US, but EU, AUS and canada? No. They pay enough already and are still bombarded with microtransactions and dlc.
I really don't mind dlc as long as it's an actual addition to the main expierience and not witheld content. TLOU and Mario Kart 8 are good examples of how to do dlc right. Please don't bombard me with weapon and character skins. It's annoying.
Microtransactions in a full priced game are always a no go. We should not have to beg or pay extra, to not have our full price expierience ruined by insistant nagging and shitty game mechanics designed to make us sink more money into something we already bought. Mircotransactions in full priced games are scummy, and that's that.

And while game developement costs might have risen I'd say the bigger impact on cost is marketing budgets. AAA games these days have insane marketing budgets, proving that there is more than enough money in the industry. I might be wrong, but somehow I don't buy that the whole industry would suddenly collapse if *gasp* they started delivering full expieriences again.