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NobleTeam360 said:

I'm sure Nintendo fans would like to see Ubisoft make good on their promises and not just talk up the NX and only release 2 or 3 games on it (beyond Just Dance) I doubt the NX can handle For Honor, Ghost Recon Wildlands, or Watch Dogs 2 so it's probably not gonna be anything special.

Assuming the leaked specs turn out to be true.

The most recent rumors state that Nintendo are likely using Nvidia's Parker SOC.

Considering the jump from K1 to X1 the next tegra could easily have the performance to match XB1 and if XB1 level hardware can handle those games, then there's no reason why NX powered by an Nvidia Parker SOC couldn't either, provided the handheld's formfactor can accommodate it's TDP.

The only issue Nintendo may face (and this is much more problematic for 3rd parties) is whether Nintendo are able to sell enough software to justify 3rd party publishers spending the money on porting their games over. Maybe if Nintendo fronts the cash for porting and pays towards the marketing of these games then they can get an initial run of multiplats to feed their new system with those games.

Nintendo needs to give gamers a reason to buy NX, beyond the crowd that will be happy to see a new handheld, they also need to appeal to the market that buys consoles besides Nintendo's platforms.


A portable Nintendo system, which can also send footage to a TV, with both the types of handheld and console games they're known for, along with exclusive new IPs that appeal to the 3rd party audience (both east and west) and every multiplat available from external publishers would no doubt sell much better than Nintendo consoles have been doing besides the Wii and Nintendo would also receive an added revenue stream from the sale of those games.

If NX has a Parker processor then I don't think hardware performance would be a problem, porting should be relatively trivial for developers if NVidia are providing solid support with tools and Nintendo are making good use of their connections within the Khronos Vulkan family.