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It's all too easy for opponents of a politician to lob out insults or unfounded claims.  But... sometimes a politician is legitimately a disturbed individual, and in that case, it should be pointed out.  So, let's examine.

These are the traits of a sociopath

Glibness and Superficial Charm

Debateable on the superficial charm part, but doubtlessly glib.

Manipulative and Conning

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,”

"What I've done is I've used, brilliantly, the laws of the country. And not personally, just corporate. And if you look at people like myself that are at the highest levels of business, they use -- many of them have done it, many times."

Grandoise Sense of Self

“I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me,’’ 

"“I know words, I have the best words."

"I'm the most militaristic person there is."

"It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles.  I think I know most of it anyway."  This is a man btw who is unfamiliar with the term nuclear triad.

A president who believes he knows more than our military, when he can't name the parties involved in the conflict, is dangerous.  A president who won't listen to his military advisors is disastrous.  One of the traits that brought Hitler down actually.

Pathological Lying

This is an easy one.  Trump has lied about many things.  And not like, the standard political spin thing.  But straight up lies about pretty obvious factual things.

He denied saying John McCain wasn't a war hero despite video of him clearly saying verbatim "he's not a war hero".

He claims Trump steaks are being sold when they aren't.

He insisted that Trump Vineyards is owned by him entirely.  HE EVEN TOLD THE MEDIA TO CHECK THIS SPECIFICALLY!  He owns none of it.  

He claims he wrote the art of the deal.  He did not.The guy who DID write the art of the deal says that if he could retitle the book he would call it "The Sociopath". 

He claims he doesn't know who David Duke is, when he has specifically discussed him in interviews.

I mean, yeah politiciians stretch the truth, rationalize, exaggerate, but this is exactly what a pathological liar looks like.  Lying about very obvious things, despite direct evidence.  And lying about really silly things that are not even worth lying about. 

Lack of empathy

"Appreciate the congrats on being right on radical Islamic terrorism.  I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance.  We must be smart!"

Regardless of how you may feel about the issue of terrorism, the fact that a preisdential candidate's first response to a mass shooting was "I appreciate the congrats" is utterly chilling.  

Then there is his response to the speaker at the DNC who lost a son.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something."

Again, regardless of your politics, this kind of reaction, to attack not the speaker, but his wife, is horrifying.


Oh, and by the way.  He suggested killing family members or terrorists.  Wives and childrens and such.  HE HAS FUCKING ADVOCATED WAR CRIMES.  When a general said that order would not be followed, Donald said “I’m a leader, I’ve always been a leader. I’ve never had any problem leading people. If I say do it, they’re going to do it."  That's scary.

Shallow Emotions

Well I can't really address how genuine his emotions are.

Incapacity for love

Again, can't speak to that.

Need for stimulation


Poor Behavioral Control/Lack of Impulse Control

He suggested that people at his rally should "knock the crap" out of protesters.  Claimed he wanted to punch speakers at the DNC.  Talks about his penis during presidential debates.  Frequent verbal outbursts.  Constant insults of other personalities.  Numerous allegations of infidelity and sexual harassment.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenille Delinquency

Punched his music teacher as a child.  Involved in several other altercations with students.

Yup, he's got that trait. 


Declaring bankruptcy is literally abdicating your responsibility.  And I'm wondering if anyone can find a quote of Donald Trump taking responsibility for anything he's said or done.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

“You know, it really doesn`t matter what (the media) write as long as you`ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

His infidelity is well documented in his divorce proceedings.
Lack of realistic life plan
Wants to be president despite a clear lack of knowledge..  Insists he'll learn policies on the fly.  Wants to deport 11 million immigrants at once.  Believes he can force military to follow illegal orders.
As for how he'd handle the national debt...  "You go back and say, guess what, the economy crashed, I'm going to give you half."
Criminal or Entreprenurial Versatility
Obviously got this one.  Sociopaths tend to excel in business.  Obviously, that's not enough to brand him a sociopath, but when all the other boxes are also ticked.




It's not an insult, it's not mud slinging, and it's not an attempt to avoid the issues (which would be hard to do considering how little he's put forth).  There is a man who seems to meet most or all of the traits of a sociopath who is running for president.  People should take this seriously.