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scrapking said:

That article you linked to articulates one thing I strongly agree with, but then defeats its own argument.  I strongly agree that environmentalists should be hugely concerned with agriculture and how it leads to deforestation, elimination of wild places, and sanitation of the land.  It then defeats its own argument because gigantic (and growing) proportions of agriculture are to make animal feed for animal agriculture!  Estimates vary, but 60-80% of the deforestation of the amazon is due to animal agriculture.

The author then goes into full-on misinformation mode by saying a vegan diet is less healthy than an omnivorous diet, which is ridiculous as there is no nutrient, nor any health benefit, that's unique to eating animal products.  There's no recommended daily amount (RDA) of meat.  Hell, animals get their nutrients from eating plants (or eating animals who've eaten plants).  It appears that the author is either deeply misinformed, or choosing to attempt to misinform others.

I'm all for self-sustaining farms, backyard agriculture, etc.  But that done with a vegan diet is even better than doing it with an omnivorous diet.  Animals consume 38 to 500 times as much food, as we get from eating animal products.  How is that sustainable?

Those are actually some really good points you've raised, and they kind of skipped my mind when I wrote that post.Like I said though I think the biggest enemy are the giant corporations, they have no respect for nature whatsoever, and their only objective is profit.In a perfect world, everyone would be aware of the big repercussions that animal agriculture has, and we would all get just a limited amount of meat from self-sustained environments, sadly we do not...