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My gripe with Sony isn't about quality (except for online....that one needs a bit more work)

With PlayStation its definitely customer service. They don't seem to want to help you with any problem. I have a current problem now with someone actually deactivating my personal PS4 as the primary. So I don't have access to any of my games if the internet isn't on. Even the ones I've purchased from the store. Tried to deactivate thru the website, but no avail. PS customer service told me I have to wait 6 months. Sucks... I have to look at a timeline that won't update at all. It's stuck on 6/30/16. The only thing that updates on the timeline is what's new in the PlayStation Store.

Another thing with PlayStation is their unwillingness to listen to their fans about features they would like to see on the PlayStation. I won't say all things, but there's quite a few things.

Of course, like others have stated, the VITA!!! I will never trust Sony again with another handheld. The way they abandoned the Vita is cringeworthy. It's a damn shame that 3rd party developers love the Vita more than it's own creators do. It's thee only reason why the Vita still has life. (Get it? Vita=Life) Such a phenomenal handheld. I personally love my Vita.

Oh and I don't like the fact that PS put a cap on trophies again concerning how many a single game can have. Should have torn a page from Xbox and just let it be unlimited. No caps.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron