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I'm a real fan of windows 10 and find it a big improvement on the earlier windows.

I wonder though how users will cope with slower hardware. Windows 10 runs very well on older hardware, better than windows 7 and 8 it seems but if they force enable cpu intensive features it will ruin the operating system for them.

Maybe that's the point forcing people off older hardware so they buy new hardware that gives Microsoft another licensing fee.

I'm using a AMD A8 based laptop from HP. It actually was supplied with both windows 7 and 8.1 for some reason and tried both before upgrading to windows 10 and have to say windows 10 is fantastic in comparison. Gaming frame rates seem better and I can run just about any modern game on this humble laptop as the screen is only 720p and keeping the detail to low. Fallout 4 for example. It has 8GB of dual channel memory and a quad core 3ghz cpu and just about usable radeon graphics that seem miles better than my earlier i3 laptop with integrated intel graphics.

Normally when Microsoft make unpopular additions or changes to operating systems there are workarounds soon after like the original windows 8.