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bettergetdave said:
Nem said:

It's far fetched to call racist to the guy that wants to build a wall between the US and mexico? What's wrong with you?

You are blaming Hillary for not going off at racist comments from other people, but the guy who actually want's to take action against them is all good and dandy? I can't even begin to fathom what goes on in your mind. 

And for the first point, you just never cared to see her work. She has visited many countries in humanitarian campaign. You have no idea what you are talking about and are beeing nefariously influenced by terrible media. Try to actually inform yourself. Elections aren't a reality show. They have very real repercussions. Try to learn from the english with the referendum they didnt take seriously.

Wow man easy didn't mean to trigger you. Just trying to have a civil friendly convo. There is nothing wrong with me and you thinking that is part of the problem here. Anyone who doesn't agree completely with either of these people must have something "wrong" with them. I don't assume that about you so don't reduce to ad hominem. Lastly I am informed, I am not the one that stated she was VP for 8 years. I didn't beat you up about it though b/c I just assumed you weren't a US citizen and didn't know.

Yes Hilary did some great humanitarian work outside the US. But she has not put forth anything successful to protect peoples rights in America. She supported the war in Iraq which was very unpopular and debateable on its merits today. Unless you can inform me of specifics since you support her and change my mind she has done nothing. 

Trump rather wants to build a border wall to the Sounth to stop "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION". This protects American's jobs, jobs that African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Anglo Saxons all want! It puts a drain on the schools locally near the border having to take in huge number of "illegal" immigrants when they are struggling to properly educate American kids! Lastly it brings in the criminal element as well. We have enough American criminals to deal with filling jail cells up costing more money and ruining the victims lives than have to be importing it! There is absolutely nothing racial about it. And in case you are wondering NO you don't need a Northern border b/c Cananda is a much more economically developed country like the US and has no desire to head South looking for work! To assume b/c you want to protect your countrys borders from extreme flows of illegal immigrants is racist is a scapegoat! 

On a personal note my wife is hispanic and now so is my 4 month old Son. Her father was natural born in the US. Her grand father who passed away last winter swam across the Rio to be in the US and only became a citizen later in the 80s. I am thankful for them obviously but they all agree now that the illegal immigration needs to stop and will be voting for Trump this November. They don't view him as a racist but really take issue with the Democratic party referring to them as the "Taco Bowl". They  voted for Obama in 2012 and I think these comments weighed heavily on them. Hilary still refuses to address it all!

I don't agree, but that is a legitimate position, unlike the OP's. So, i don't want to antagonise you on this. Fair enough. But, i do want to add that raising a wall didn't work for Germany, it made it worse. You might want to look into how that worked for them.