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MegaManX said:

Hillary is so dishonest, she has been caught in lie after lie, from her emails, to being under sniper fire when video shows her calmly greeting people as she gets off the plane. Her party essentially screwed the only other viable candidate in favor of her and she acts like she didn't know? How many people volunteered for Bernie and got the shaft because they never had any chance of giving him a fair shake.

The DNC is openly anti religion the way they attacked his faith and they are incredibly racist the way they refer to their Latino supporters as Taco Bowl.

More leaked email will come destroying any crediabilty she has left. She should be in jail along with her rapist/pedophile husband who dodged prejury while General Patreus (sp?) did the same thing Hillary did with the emails on a much smaller scale and got prison time. Not to mention all the money from countries that hate and kill women and gays for such trivial things. And where does that money go, lol what a joke. It's such a corrupt system, at least Trump doesn't have a million favors to pay back if he gets elected.

Obama did nothing for blacks and minorities and the democrats will continue to keep them down and on benefits to maintain their votes, how come these black democrats never seem to improve the inner cities?

This guy here knows what he is talking about. Well done!