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If all the rumours are true they are making something that is AMAZING for SOME people but most of us want either a good handheld or a good home console and they are going to either make a product for a very good price-value that offers extra options that everyone will like or..

What I am afraid of is that they are making a product that is supposed to be for everyone but will eventually appeal only to those who really use both functionalities and in the end that won't be a lot of us.

I can just see it in my own friends circle, most have an Xbox, WiiU or Ps4 and just like to play on the TV, others, especially my twitter followers, have a 3ds or PSVita and just have no interest in playing on a TV.

I am sure there are exceptions but I don't think they want to target exceptions, they want to target everyone, like they did with the Wii and that is just NOT going to happen with this product.

Twitter @CyberMalistix