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I really don't think people are thinking through the request that Nintendo go third-party. That or they're deliberately obscuring the truth.

Let's say you really love Nintendo games and want them on your favorite system. Set aside for a moment the absurdity that you'd be willing to fork over $60 a pop for Nintendo games over a five year period but can't stomach the idea of spending a one-time payment of $300 for a separate system. Do you really think that would be good for anyone? For the industry? For Nintendo? For the fans? The industry would become more homogenous and less competitive. Nintendo would make less money and produce, if anything, LESS ambitious games. And fans would have to watch Nintendo software conform to operating systems and technical specifications not its own, thus depriving them of their anotherness - take that Teeqoz!

Well, wait, you say you WANT Nintendo games to conform to those operating systems and technical specifications? That Nintendo games aren't as good without achievements, and online multiplayer, and 1080p resolution? That Nintendo games just aren't worthwhile unless they're pushing the limits of technology? Well, let's ignore the fact that Nintendo probably wouldn't change its design philosophy just because it had access to more horsepower. Let's say Nintendo, once on PS4 and XOne, starts creating cutting-edge software with huge open worlds and advanced physics. It moves away from its cartoon mascots and local multiplayer options. It abandons motion controls. At what point do these stop being "Nintendo games"? I mean if that's really what you want, you already have it on PC, PS4, and XOne.