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To be fair here, and expanding over what I said on my original post, I think the most Nintenhate I've witnessed was this modern Nintendo post-Gamecube. Wii's success was met with escepticism and denial here and there (remnants of this attitude still persist up to this day, and can be seen on certain biased data or opinions), and while I do not think it's something Nintendo can (easily) replicate ever again, it shows the potential Nintendo hardware can have on the market. Old-school Nintendo, I really don't remember all that much hate (or dislikeness at all except for the "battle" with SEGA and company), and that coming from someone who used the internet (albeit I was mostly on Spanish non-gaming forums) back in the day. Nintendo at least really dominated my school and town. Everyone and their mother had a Gameboy and a Nintendo home console (not me, though, because fuck being poor ). By the time the musical group Estopa started promoting the Nintendo DS, any trace of hate at that point was beyond gone. And the Wii? The craze hit hard here. It was not until the hype died out when these Nintendoom really started making its presence. I really don't remember all that doom on VGC either except for these last years.

This being said, I myself became a bit disenchanted with the company, especially on the late Wii years; their first party-output hasn't really been to my liking ever since, and it's incredible to say that the only reason for me to get a WiiU at this point is due to its third/second party software. Hope NX can do a bit better.