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Painting in broad strokes with that OP.

Exclusives justify platforms. They're not the only justification, but a big one. These days, however, it appears Nintendo exclusives aren't justifying a home console purchase for a majority of gamers.

As far as going 3rd party, Nintendo is the only one that could do it and succeed. Microsoft would have no impact outside of its big three franchises, and Sony would occassionally release something (probably from Naughty Dog, SSM, or SCEJ) that inspires commercial success, but Nintendo has the potential to be the heaviest hitter from Japan. There's always the Sega comparison / cautionary tale, but Nintendo has always struck me as having a far better handle on managing their franchises.

Basically, I think Nintendo would reap huge financial benefits by going 3P, and unlike others I believe they have the talent to maintain quality of content on multiple platforms, but they're far too prideful to reduce their standing to becoming equals with Blizzard & Square Enix. Hell, they would have the clout to even release 3P accessories that other publishers would use (like Namco's Guncon for the PS1).