_Jameson said:
I did a little research and found this http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/150/867/679.jpg Fav comment "Monoma copies Kaminari's quirk for a situation, uses it for AoE and he doesn't become retarded" This theory is so f****** good, thanks for bring it to my attention. link has spoilers, spoiler tag doesn't cover it for some reason. |
I've already seen that picture but I don't get if people are thorizing about Monoma or if it happened and I missed on the pannel during my super fast read-trought
animegaming said:
How can you say Mineta is the least likable when gives us such GOAT panels.
Also i am fully on board the Kaminari is the traitor theory it makes so much sense that i can't see who else the traitor can be.
I don't like him because he's the only source of Fanservice in the entire manga besides Ochako becoming jealous (just like in chapter 100) if you take away his pervy attitude there's nothing more to his character, I'm Ok with fanservice and I enjoy it if it isn't exagerated and thrown in your face every single page (and BnHA does fanservice right) but I find that the source of all of the fanservice beein this character is lame and unimaginative...