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11 hours since last update:

#10 XB1s-2gb (same)*
#14 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (up 2)
#29 XB1s-500gb (up 44)*
#35 XB1 NYG Bundle (same)
#43 PS4 Fool's Edition (same)
#68 XB1s-2tb Gears Bundle (down 7)*
#76 XB1 3 Game Bundle (down 14)
#77 Vita (up 9)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#03 PS4 No Man's Sky (same)
#06 3DS Pokemon S&M (down 1)

* = Doesn't affect this month

I think the thing to keep an eye on is the jousting between the PS4 and the 500gb slim. In my eyes the 2tb and the Halo bundle are being picked up by the die hard fans who already own an XB1.


The PS5 Exists.