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Soundwave said:
thismeintiel said:

Only if you look at the small picture.  However, step back and look at the large one.  Last gen was the PEAK of HH gaming.  We had the best selling HH ever, the DS, sell ~154M.  And we also had the best selling non-Nintendo HH ever, the PSP, sell ~82M+ (more than the GBA.)  That's over 236M.  And what do we have this gen?  The 3DS, which may not even sell half of what the 3DS sold, will be Nintendo's worst selling HH ever.  And the Vita may not even hit 20M.  There's no other way to look at it but that mobile gaming is killing the HH market.

Looking at home consoles is quite different.  We are moving back into the more usual model where there is a clear winner of the gen, with less cross over between platform customers, and with the other 2 trailing behind it.  The PS4 may not reach the PS2's total, but there is little question that it won't pass the PS3's and PS1's.  Not when it hasn't even dropped more than $50 from launch almost 3 years ago, or hit the magical $299 and $199 price points.  And while the XBO certainly won't pass the 360, it will be passing the OG XB.  All in all, I think we will see total consoles this gen be very similar in number to Gen 6, which saw the peak of the core gaming market.

This gen also proved that millions are willing to pay $399 for a console.  It also proved not many people are even willing to pay $249 for a HH.  For Nintendo's sake, they better price the NX for $199, or lower.  Anything higher and I don't think a lot are going to jump on.

3DS wasn't a console replacement + potential Android tablet in one. Value proposition is different. 

That's the big difference, it came out right before the mobile chipset boom, the level of mobile tech available today is light years beyond what was around back then for an affordable price. 

$299.99 would be reasonable for the type of device Nintendo is going for. 

Maybe for the die hard Nintendo fan, but any core gamer isn't gong to buy a $299 HH that's less powerful, and has less game support, than their $299 PS4/XBO.  And definitely not for the people who refused to pay $249 for the 3DS.  If anyone wants a nice Android gaming machine, they could probably just use their phone with Chromecast, or buy a $199 Nvidia Shield.