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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

The detachable controllers could be motion wands, they could have some kind of new control input that encourages people to gather around the LCD display and play together. 

Sounds right up Nintendo's ally. Just because it's not what you wanted doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. 

For a lot of people if you described the Wii concept to them in 2004, it wouldn't make sense because no way would Nintendo make a console with a vertical single hand controller with little/no graphical update to the GameCube, no dual analog, etc. etc. etc. 

Alright, smart guy. If this thing is supposed to be a console portable hybrid, how is someone supposed to play their motion games on the go?

It doesn't make sense.

It could just be part of the functionality of the system, to allow you to be able to use the system in that way if you want to. Having options is a good thing and it gives Nintendo something else to sell for this platform.

Perhaps it's also to make it so you can put the system on a table in front of you and control it a bit more conveniantly than if you had to hold your hands out with the system in front of you.

If the system was just a tablet that can be plugged into your TV or stream to it that's a bit more limited and incorporating motion remotes means the system has that control system built in.

Maybe having those controls means you can have local multiplayer on one device, on the go, so you can sit on a train or in a coffee shop, detach a controller for each person and both play a game together, for no extra cost, once your done you reconnect the remotes and your on your way. Seems like it's about flexibility, which IMO could be a great selling point for gamers who play on the go.


TBH I don't see many reasons why Nintendo couldn't do this or why they shouldn't, something fixed to work one way is limited, but added options mean the device can mold to do what users want. Does it hurt you to have this be a part of the system's capabilities? No, the only thing that could be a problem is if someone steals one remote, but if Nintendo sold them cheap people could at least buy a replacement easily.