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zero129 said:
setsunatenshi said:

small problem though... according to Eurogamer there is no Android OS in the console but a Nintendo custom OS

This could still be a "Nintendo" Custom Fork of Android OS. Like it could still be possible for it to play all the Android games, only you have to buy them on the Nintendo Store. Kinda like Amazon's Store.

sure, that is a possibility. but i personally wouldn't bet on it if i had to. there are royalties involved in using android though, and judging from Nintendo's history they are very hesitant to license tech like this. also if they opened up for android it could expose them to piracy pretty early in the console's lifecycle (due to android being such an open and well known platform).


if Nintendo had the sense I don't think they do, they'd just stop with the hardware nonsense and dedicate themselves to software development, going full multiplat. smart money is on that as we've seen from pokemon go for example