So In two days I read the whole 100 chapters of Boku no Hero Academia and boy is it good !
Not only there are powers never seen before (or at least slight changes from the regular sets of powers that appear in any shonen) but the plot is on point and many times I thought "Oh, wow, this character is gona die, 100%" just to be disproved in a few pages. Of course it follows the regular steps and clichés of every shonen like the "training week" or the tournament.
Positive reasons why you should read it:
-Nice Art (All Might in particular);
-Middle ground violence;
-Characters put strategy in their fights, it's not just a matter of who has the biggest abs (or at least not usually);
-Good commedy and references to pop culture;
-All the characters are made to appeal/not appeal to a wide range of people, you'll find characters you like and characters you hate, but you can see it's meant to be that way...
Negative reasons why you shouldn't read it:
-Forgettable names for 99% of the characters, I have problems to remember even the protagonist's one, I'm lucky I know Zelda so I associate him with it since his nickname is "Deku";
- Sometimes you'll say "WTF is everyone talking about" (might be due to the translation I read beeing poorly made, I noticed quite a few puns that weren't pointed out in the Italian translation I read making it impossible who doesn't know a little of english to figure them out);
-Fanservice solely revolves on Mineta, not that big of a deal since there weren't that many Fanservice moments in 100 chapters (while the 100th ended with one lmao), but still it totally ruins Mineta's character making him both forgettable and anoying at times;
-Excessive use of Recovery Girl by the protagonist.