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Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive, has once again weighed in on NX. When asked about Nintendo’s upcoming hardware, Zelnick shared the following:

“We’re believers. We never want to count Nintendo out. They do it over and over and over again. So we feel pretty enthusiastic actually.”

Zelnick also commented on Nintendo’s position n the console race. On that topic, he had this to say:

“It’s not a slump, it’s intentional. They come to market, they do really well, and then they sort of exit the market for a period of time. They’ve been doing it for like 150 years, and that company has been doing the same thing… They’re really thoughtful, they come to market with something they really think is going to work, more often than not it really works, it blows up and then eventually they let it decline and they move on to the next thing. They don’t mind having time in between.”


SO, are we going to see the NX next month? or September? cause I can't fucking waitttt ughhhhhhh