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Nautilus said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Honestly, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. I was actually considering making a thread asking if countries/governments were a necessary or unnecessary evil anyway. As far as I see it the main purpose of a country is protection, partially from other people and partially from other countries. If all countries were abolished then that would be at least one of their uses made irrelevant.

Countries provide more than protection.They provide stability(when there is no war of course), quality of life, oportunities(government programs) and many other small perks.If countries were to be extinguished, and assuming that its laws goes with it, we would be in a state of anarchy.That would mean that if someone dosent like you, they could very well simply kill you and get away with it.And I mean, its not like "countries" would cease to exist.It would be much like in the Walking Dead:People would band together, form either tribes or small cities, which would be basically small nations, and atack and kill others for resources or simply to have more.It would just create a bigger problem in my opinion.

I personally would like to see nations replaced by administrative districts, that purposefully avoided national attachment. Like, split up and unite current countries into sections optimaly for organization purposes, and give the new regions numbers instead of names, for example, with a decent amount of power to international governments (who also should have the only standing armies.)

I personally consider patriotism absolutely toxic.

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