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DKII said:
Reasonable said:
NJ5 said:

@Reasonable: I think it's much simpler than you make it sound. With so much evidence in the form of sales, we almost don't need to analyze the surrounding factors you mentioned. Of course, there are some segments in which the Wii doesn't compete (High-def movies for example) but the question of competition is easier than that.

It's not "neither here nor there", it's very much "there" according to all available evidence.


You're not understanding that phrase - it means it doesn't matter how you spin the factors to suit yourself the truth is plain : in this case that they're competing.

Given that total of HD consoles sold is actually higher than Wii (although adjusting for 360 time lead its more of a 40% HD 60% Wii split at the present) I think that point number 1) I made is actually pretty massive.  A vast number of gamers want HD which means that while they may purchase a Wii it will not be their only console - which is going to change the ratio relationship in a way not evident last gen when I believe a majority of gamers settled for one console.



Only a few percent of console owners actually own multiple consoles within a generation.  Saying that everyone who has a Wii is going to magically want to "upgrade" to an HD system is pretty foolish and completely ignores all of the factors that are making the Wii sell well now.

The percentage of players owning more than 1 console is higher this gen than during the previous gen...

Not everyone that has a Wii is going to buy another console but the number of cross consoles owner will be significant by the end of this gen ( I would guess 10% or more of the Wii owners).

Just look at the people posting on this site, far more own several consoles this gen than they did last gen.... 


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !