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despite the markup on beer that isn't going into the bartender's pocket, it's going to the owner. Bartenders hardly make anything. You tip them to get more alchohal in your drink. Recently I was at a wedding, I got a long island ice tea, it was terribly watered down tasting and it felt like there was no alchohal, after the tip, the next one was amazing. Also tipping at a busy bar ensures you quicker service. My brother's a big bar guy he walks in with a big group and drops a fifty on the bar, that bartender would skip 10 other peoples orders for the rest of the night to get my brother another round of beers. I know tip everyone, after noticing a difference in service. I tip my garbage man a 100 bucks at the end of the year, and the dude walks my cans up to my garage door(while he throws everyone elses practically in the street.) Mailman too, they used to be real strict about rules like if there was a car parked to close to my box they would skip my delivery. After tipping even if a giant truck blocked my whole house they'd make sure I get it. But about haircuts I always tip regardless of who it is. Although for the last year I've been cutting my own hair. Bought a pair of clippers and cut my hair and my son's hair. It's great and it saves a ton of money.(my son is 3 yrs old, and he don't sit good for cuts so at least at home I can plop him in front of a tv for it)