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Just like Europe, the US, Japan and quite a few other countries the UK is still building debt and it doesn't really matter if a Labour or Tory government the debt keeps rising. The reality is we are borrowing to fund our lifestyle creating huge debt for future generations which is very unfair. Corbyn is quite honestly an idiot as are most politicians and the people who vote for them. When you explain to people that the money isn't available unless we borrow it for the NHS etc and that means servicing more debt in the future they just ignore it and continue expecting politicians to fund everything.

Living within our means seems alien to most people. By delaying austerity you only make it far worse when it finally hits.

The only good thing about the current situation is Labour have moved further to the left so basically completely unelectable allowing the Conservatives to win the next general election easily. This means they will be under less pressure to keep funding departments to the same level with no effective opposition. I don't want the NHS etc to be cut back but the reality is if you don't have the money you can't fund it.