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I took the work to read trough the whole thread and i have some points I want to state:

1)All 3 consoles are comprting in the same market, theyre game machines. Some people here seems to think that while PS360 are game machines the Wii is more like a toster...I realley dont understand it, its like saying that DS and PSP are not competing, cos PSP is a powerhouse and DS is focused in casuals...It doesnt make any sense.

2)I also noticed some people seems to consider N games, such as SMG, as "casual" WTF¿?
Mario, as well as allmost all Nintendo big historical franchises is 100% hardcore, it can be a little less "masculine" than Halo or Gears of War, but it is still core gaming. There are different kind of games, thats all.
Give a Mario game to the lil Timmy and I can assure you that he wont know what the hell to do. And not even start with Zelda or Metroid...

3)Everything crazzyman says makes absolutely no sense. I even think he make such statements just to have fun.
I cant believe how hes still waiting for the PS3 to rose, like waiting for the Mesiah.
Seriously man, stop worryng about the sales and enjoy your PS3, is a great machine, but I really doubt it can duplicate the greatness of the PS2...stop waiting for that to happen.
Why do you think that MGS will make PS3 resurge, when GT4 didnt?
Also, why do you put so much confidence in FFXIII?
It will make PS3 big in Japan? It may be, but I can assure Squenix is probably not to happy with the PS3 2 millions userbase in there...

Wii60+DS owner

Long Time Nintendo loyalist