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ratuscafoarterea said:
Peh said:

What I received from the news is that he was being mobbed and was also mentally ill. There is currently the rumor that he failed his school graduation. He also took Breivik as an idol and informed himself about several Amok cases.

Origin or religion takes no part in it.

In the Eastern European media (you know, the one that is not controlled by mama-Merkel) it has been reported that the attacker shouted allahu akbar. Also in the link that I've posted for you earlier, there is a video where the attacker said that he is German and that he is committing the mass-murder because he has been bullied for seven years. Bullied for what? Bullied for being a muslim? Also, the media is reporting that he had all of this material about mass-shooting ….. of course he had material about mass-shooting, he was planning one, it doesn’t mean that he committed the mass-shooting just because he was obsess with Breivik.

and he're is a Western link to read for you


And who gave the media that information? The same people shouting racist abuse at the perpetrator? Some hysterical teenagers going into post-traumatic shock?

The recent actual religiously motivated axe attack is fresh in everyones minds. I'm not saying there's malice involved, but witness accounts are often unreliable. People have their own fears, thoughts and agendas and then the media comes in and adds their own spin to it as well.

The official police statement is, that this was a perpetrator who was acting alone, with not ties to IS. The very assumption everyone is jumping to, that a german of iranian decent must be an islamist was probably part of the reason he felt excluded and even did this in the first place.

I said this earlier, but his very behaviour we see in the video clip, indicates that he wanted to be accepted in mainstream german society, but felt rejected. He tried to explain himself to the people shouting at him. A religious extremist has no reason to do that. If anything, everyone else is a non-believer unworthy of anything other than being shot. There's also no need for self-justification (the very thing he was trying to do) since god is their justification.

Also the fact that he killed himself with plenty of ammo left instead of continuing on until shot by the police does not fit with a religiously motivated attack. Those are people on a mission. And they would not abort until there is no way to continue on.

This pattern just does not fit with islamic terror. Instead it fits perfectly with Columbine, Winneden and other school/mall shootings comitted by mentally unstable people who felt rejected by society. So as much as you ask everyone to question western european media, I'll ask you to be as sceptical and analytical of the eastern european one as well.